Cryptocurrency Market Overview August 2021

1 min readAug 30, 2021

This is what retail thinks:

That Musk initiated this pump with his announcement for Space X holding btc. (fact: check the charts and timing, did btc started the rise first or did Musk announce first)

That Amazon is the reason for rapid rise (fact: Amazon speculation started days before and NOTHING happened, later idiots decided to attribute it to that).

If you are dumb enough to trust every person THE SAME… then you deserve to get what those people get you. What else can I say?

I don’t talk about Covid, but ask yourself one thing: would you know it exists if you never read any media? Would you be so scared of it that you’d stop your work, stop your freedom from walking away, to stop life because of it ?

For fuck sake, for once, think for yourselves. Not wait for Elon to tell you what to do.

In recent history, many times you saw PROOF with your own eyes of politicians lying to you, yet you are ready to crucify other people based on the words of those same politicians.

Followers are the opposite. ou are not just anyone, you’re here, make me proud, open your minds. Think for YOURSELF.




INFJs that stuck in Blockchain Tech research. Accidentally Investing in great projects back in 2017.